Alternative Risk

Combining Risk Management and containment services to generate deep savings on insurance spend.

Self-Funded Medical
Insurance Plans

The constant rising cost in medical insurance has brought increased challenges to the middle market. Annual plan renewals pose a dilemma to ownership as they seek to downgrade benefits in order to offset premium increases of 15% or greater. In an effort to stem the tide of increasing cost and offer plan designs which are customized to the needs of their employees, an increasing number of middle market employers have migrated to a self-funded plan. However, self-funded plans often bring numerous administrative challenges which need to be addressed in order to maintain employee satisfaction while still minimizing the cost to the employer.

JAS Solutions Supportive Services

Benefit Design and Optimization
National network access
NEW Reference Based Pricing models for increased plan savings
Wellness and Cost Containment Programs
Reporting and Analytics
Competitive and innovative stop-loss programs including level funding and group captives

Captives /
Risk Retention Groups

Captives are well known self-insured vehicles and have become increasingly popular in the middle market. 831B Captives and corporate owned captives have been developed to assist with claim reserving and long-term strategic planning. Agency owned captives provide competitive products across the book of business.
Implementation of a captive involves many steps, so employers look towards JAS Solutions to advise on the proper structure and coordinate the resources for the supportive services needed.

JAS Solutions Supportive Services

Feasibility analysis
Selecting a situs and structure – On-Shore vs. Off-Shore / Renting vs. Owning
Application for all licensing and filing
Ongoing coordination with regulators
Captive Management services
Reinsurance Placement